The Trusted Pre-Internship Platform: From Startup to Fortune 1000
What are Pre-Internships?
Pre-Internships are short-term experiential learning programs that students complete to earn priority access to internship, co-op, and apprenticeship opportunities.
First- and Second-Year Focused
As hiring becomes more competitive, starting earlier to recruit means building a relationship that lasts.
Tailored to Any Company, Any Role
Share the unique values, qualifications, and tools used at your company for a real look into your organization
Pre-Internships Bridge Education and Career
Career-connected experiences (like internships & co-ops) are the #1 career success driver. The bad news?
There simply aren't enough opportunities available
Only 1 in 4 college students partifipate in an internship per year

First generation and low income college students are less likely to hold an internship

Graduating without an internship means missing out on a higher starting salary, better job offers, and long term career satisfaction
There has to be a better way. Pre-Internships are the answer.
Launch, Manage, & Scale Your Pre-Internship all with one tool
360° Candidate View
24/7 Accessibility
Support from IOD Experts
Pre-Internships By The Numbers
Employers that start their talent connections earlier have better results. Here's the impact we see:
Higher Quality Hires
Internship on Demand alumni are TWICE as prepared to intern compared to students without Pre-Internship experience
Better Cost Per Hire
Cut overall cost per hire by up to 80% with a deep talent pipeline and better understanding of incoming candidates
Broader Reach
Reach over 500,000 students from the 50+ US colleges and universities sharing Pre-Internships to help first- and second-year students to launch their careers
Pre-Internship are the top choice for first- and second-year students to get ahead
In Pre-Internships, students learn about a company, the open roles available, and DOUBLE their chances of internship success
Start Here

Pre-Interns build real skills, connect with company professionals, and explore a unique company.
Converted interns arrive prepared to start, trained on company tools, and with a deep internal network
Pre-Intern, to Intern, now to employee, company and student can be confident they found the right fit