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Pre-Internship: Your Branded Freshman & Sophomore Early Talent Program 

Launch your company’s unique Pre-Internship program to start connecting with, vetting, and upskilling first- and second-year college students today.

The Trusted Pre-Internship Platform: From Startup to Fortune 1000

What are Pre-Internships?

Pre-Internships are short-term experiential learning programs that students complete to earn priority access to internship, co-op, and apprenticeship opportunities.

First- and Second-Year Focused

As hiring becomes more competitive, starting earlier to recruit means building a relationship that lasts.

Designed & Managed by Company Leaders

Companies design and manage their own Pre-Internship as the first step in their talent network

Tailored to Any Company, Any Role

Share the unique values, qualifications, and tools used at your company for a real look into your organization

Pre-Internships Bridge Education and Career

Career-connected experiences (like internships & co-ops) are the #1 career success driver. The bad news? 

There simply aren't enough opportunities available 

Only 1 in 4 college students partifipate in an internship per year


First generation and low income college students are less likely to hold an internship

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Graduating without an internship means missing out on a higher starting salary, better job offers, and long term career satisfaction

There has to be a better way. Pre-Internships are the answer.

Launch, Manage, & Scale Your Pre-Internship all with one tool

360° Candidate View

24/7 Accessibility

Support from IOD Experts


Pre-Internships By The Numbers

Employers that start their talent connections earlier have better results. Here's the impact we see: 

Higher Quality Hires


Internship on Demand alumni are TWICE as prepared to intern compared to students without Pre-Internship experience

Better Cost Per Hire


Cut overall cost per hire by up to 80% with a deep talent pipeline and better understanding of incoming candidates

Broader Reach


Reach over 500,000 students from the 50+ US colleges and universities sharing Pre-Internships to help first- and second-year students to launch their careers


Pre-Internship are the top choice for first- and second-year students to get ahead

In Pre-Internships, students learn about a company, the open roles available, and DOUBLE their chances of internship success

Start Here



Pre-Interns build real skills, connect with company professionals, and explore a unique company.


Converted interns arrive prepared to start, trained on company tools, and with a deep internal network


Pre-Intern, to Intern, now to employee, company and student can be confident they found the right fit

Meet Successful Pre-Interns

College student who graduated from our program
"It wouldn't have been possible without Internship on Demand to secure my first, paid internship! This pre-internship helped get me an immediate interview and acceptance plus made me stand out from other applicants. I’m super excited to start this new role and thankful for this incredible program!"

Gabe B.

Michigan State University, Internship on Demand Summer 2024

Information Science Student, Sophomore at Michigan State University


Ready to launch your own first- and second-year program?


Pre-Internships open the door to today's top employers  

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